A Child Waits Foundation
Adoption Grants & Adoption Loans
International and Domestic Adoption

International Loan Application Forms and Instructions
The loan application should include the required A Child Waits Foundation forms, the cover letter and the supporting documents as listed below. Please take the time to fully complete all of our required forms and ensure that you have included the supporting documents. The forms can be accessed using the links below and should be mailed directly to A Child Waits Foundation.
A Complete Loan Application
The Checklist
The Six Loan Application Forms
Your Cover letter
Picture of Current Family
Picture of Child Being Adopted
Medical for Child Being Adopted
A Copy of Homestudy
Most Recent 1040
Recent Paystub for all Applicants
Copy of Driver's License for all Applicants
Homestudy/Social Worker Form
Adoption Agency Form
Co-Signer's Most Recent 1040
Co-signer's Consent Form
Notarized Promissory Note with
all Signatures
Notarized Terms and Conditions
Steps for Applying
1. Complete Application Forms
Family and Adoption Information Form
Financial Statement
Monthly Budget
Adoption Expense Form - we ask that you don't substitute spreadsheets or the agency fee sheet instead of completing this form.
Grants, Fundraising and Donations Form
Promissory Note
Terms and Conditions
Consent Forms
The loan application forms are available in 2 formats. You can use the format that is most convenient for you.
3. Write Cover Letter
Your cover letter is your opportunity to tell the A Child Waits Board about yourselves, your motivation to adopt, information about the child you are adopting and how this loan will help you. Please include information about your fundraising efforts, donations, help from family and friends and other loans or grants you have applied for or received. A Child Waits does not require a Statement of Faith and it should not be substituted for your cover letter.
2. Gather Supporting Documents
Home Study
Most recent tax return with attachments - Include schedule C if business owner
Current Pay Stub for all Applicants
Picture and Medical of Child Being Adopted - If you sent the child's information to a medical specialist in the United States for a pre-adoption evaluation please include that report.
Copy of Driver's License for all Applicants
Most Recent 1040 for Co-Signer
Picture of Current Family
$20 Application Fee
4. Request Agency Forms
Social Worker Information Form
Adoption Agency Information Form
These forms, available in 2 formats, need to be completed by your adoption professionals and emailed, mailed or faxed using the information below. Please contact A Child Waits about 2 weeks after applying to be sure we have received your forms.
Fax: 518-794-6243
Email: Deanna@achildwaits.org
5. Co-Signer Information
The co-signer is someone who is willing to accept the financial risk of the loan in the event the borrower becomes unable to make the loan payments. This requirement is for a co-signer, not a co-borrower, such as a spouse. This requirement may be waived for adoptive families with a credit score of 750 or higher. Please call the Foundation before applying if you wish to be considered without a co-signer. Prospective co-signers are welcome to call if they have any questions about our Foundation or the loan application process.
The co-signer's signature needs to be on the same promissory note as the applicant's signature. Co-signers supporting documents include: Consent Form, copy of Most Recent 1040, copy of Drivers License and a copy of Recent Pay Stub and may be mailed to the Foundation separately if they choose. The co-signer's documents are available here in addition to above for your convivence.
Combined Grant and Loan Application
U.S. citizens adopting internationally may apply for both a loan and grant at the same time. This process doesn't require a separate application, application fee or any additional paperwork and will not affect the applicant's ability to receive a grant. When completing the documents for a loan, check the box on the Family and Adoption Information Form and your application will be considered for a grant in addition to a loan.
Qualified families would have the ability to be approved for $10,000 in total funding. For example if you apply for a $10,000 loan but are also awarded a $3000 grant, the maximum loan amount would be $7000.
Where to Mail the Application
We do not accept emailed or faxed applications. Mail completed application, cover letter, supporting documents and application fee (check or money order payable to A Child Waits Foundation) to:
A Child Waits Foundation
1221 State Route 20
New Lebanon, NY 12125
After You Have Mailed the Application
A Child Waits
Please contact our Foundation approximately 1-2 weeks after you submit your application to see if your application is complete. Incomplete applications will not be processed however we give families the opportunity to submit any missing documents.
Timeline Changes
When you submit your application you may not have received your referral or know when you expect to travel to bring your child home. Please contact us once you have this information so we can update your file and be sure to submit your application to our Board at the right time. You can also contact us about any changes or to check on the status of your application.
Application Withdrawal
If you wish to withdraw your application or if there are any changes in your adoption, we ask that you please notify the Foundation.