A Child Waits Foundation
Adoption Grants & Adoption Loans
International and Domestic Adoption
Our Families 2012
International Adoption
In 2012 we awarded grants to help 90 children to be adopted from 12 different countries. Some of their wonderful pictures and links to their adoption experiences are below.

Jaden & Seth - China
Our family wanted to thank you for helping us bring our boys home. They have been such a blessing in our lives and are doing wonderful. We could never thank you enough.

Roma - India
We made it to India and (four crazy weeks later) back home with our new little girl! Waiting for the passport was...challenging. But it was wonderful to have her out of the orphanage and in our arms. Thank you again for the generous grant--it made all the difference for us.

Liz - China
Thanks again so much for your help in bringing Liz home.
Amelia Lu - China

Thank you again for making it possible to bring our sweet girl home! As you can see she is very happy and adjusting quite well to her new life and family.

Keaton - China
Thank you for everything! Our child no longer waits. Your financial assistance is deeply, deeply appreciated. You are helping change the world, one child at a time. Our child, our son. He is the most amazing gift, more than we could ever have imagined. Thank you!
Daniel, Matthew, Joseph, Emelia & Charlotte

Thank you for your generous grant towards our final adoption expenses! We arrived back home on April 13th with our five new children from Ethiopia and have been settling in at home ever since! Things are going VERY well and we couldn't have asked for a better transition home! Our kids are all wonderful and we are so very blessed to be their parents! I wanted to send you a photo of all 12 kiddos together at home!
Liz - China

This is the photo we took of our family at the airport when we got off the plane. Our first family photo! I have also attached a photo of little Liz and her brother playing on our sidewalk. And when I say "little" she really is a tiny one.
We have learned that Liz is easy-going -- except when she is stubborn :). She loves to laugh and have fun and will readily smile. She LOVES her older siblings and squeals with delight when they come home from school every day.
Thanks again so much for your help in bringing Liz home. We can't imagine our family without her.
Kofi & Joy - Ghana

I wanted to send an update on our children who you so kindly helped home earlier this year. Kofi and Joy have been with us for 4 months now and they are adjusting to life in America wonderfully. Kofi is graduating from Kindergarten this week and enjoys school. He is also an avid soccer player and recently received a yellow belt in Taekwondo. He is a happy boy who we are blessed to now call our son. Joy at age 3 will begin preschool after summer. She is hoping to have a princess birthday party in July (first birthday she has ever celebrated). She is a wonderful little girl and we can't imagine life without her.
Our entire family would like to thank your foundation for your generous grant. We found ourselves in great need towards the end of our adoption and I am not sure how we could have afforded our final travel had it not been for your foundation. We are eternally grateful for being a vital part of our adoption journey.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts
Lena- China

Our family cannot thank you enough for your very generous gift that helped us to bring our daughter Lena Grace home from China. She has transitioned very well into our family and we couldn't be more thrilled to have her home.
Lexie - China

Wishing you all the immeasurable joy of His Love.
Korben - China

We are so incredibly appreciative of your help at this time.
Fu Yu - China

Fu Yu is doing very well and has a lot of support in school. He is a quick learner and is already speaking pretty good English. He is the youngest of our 9 children from China and has easily slipped into our big family.
Thanks again for helping us bring Fu Yu home, we wouldn't have been able to do it without your generous grant, You truly make dreams come true!