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Our Families 2010
International Adoption

In 2010 we awarded grants to help 84 children to be adopted from 11 different countries.  Below, are some of their wonderful pictures and a few stories, which were shared with us by their families. 

Gabriel - China

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I just want to thank you for the generous grant to help with the costs of this adoption.   God bless you richly for the work that you do to help the orphans. 

Liya - China

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We are so lucky to have her!

Maria - Colombia


Thank You!

Susan - Uganda

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Hannah - China

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We want to thank you again for the part you played in helping us bring Hannah home.  We are doing really well.  Thank you again!

Chase & Chance - China

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We thank A Child Waits, for the grant that gave these children each other again, to be the siblings they are forever more, loved, cherished by our whole family.

Jared - Bulgaria

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We cannot possibly express to you how grateful we are.

Sazo & Aynelem - Ethiopia

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We wanted to thank you for your tremendous gift. We appreciate your grant more than words can express.

Laila - China

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We adopted Laila in June 2010 and received a generous grant from your organization. She was 6 years old on adoption day.  Laila has a complex congenital heart defect.  She had surgery in 2010 and she is doing so well.  She was even allowed to play softball and take ballet this year!  Laila loves to make everyone laugh and she does so well in school! 

Thank you again for providing us with the grant!  We are ever so grateful more than words could express!   

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Waid & Wes - China 


In Jan 2009, God placed the call of adoption on our hearts, again. 

We have 2 college kids, and 2 girls from China, ages 5 and 6. We had only $1500 in the bank, but knew God pays for what he orders.  We found our son Wes on WACAP kids, his file was about to be returned. We soon discovered he had a $14,000 grant!  We could not comprehend why he had not been quickly snatched up by another family, as his needs were minimal.  It turned out that he had been on the waiting child list for 1.5 years which is unheard of.  We believe it was God keeping him on the list for so long, until we found him. We stepped out on faith for the remainder of funds.

In March, WACAP’s donor had to pull out due to the economy, we were devastated.  The grant disappeared, but the agency waived their fees of about $6,000. We were given the option to walk away, but how could we?  We had committed ourselves to Wes, and already loved him. As we applied for grants, and did fundraising, the money gradually filtered in, including a grant from A Child Waits Foundation.

In the mean time, we found Waid - by accident.  We weren’t crazy enough to be looking for him while in the midst of Wes’s adoption, but he found us.  I thought there was no way - being in the adoption process for 2 kids at the same time, with different agencies, not to mention the expenses; but I had to ask.  Madison went to bat for Waid, as his file was about to be returned, and, we soon had pre-approval for #2.

God worked one miracle after another for these boys.  Amazingly, when we traveled to China to get Wes in February, we were able to take a day trip to the neighboring province, and meet Waid in person!  

After returning home with Wes, I had to get busy applying for grants for Waid’s adoption, time was short.  With a grant from A Child Waits Foundation, donations, and loans, God provided over $14,000 from July 1st until travel, on August 13th.  It was very stressful to wait for the last check to get to our agency on Tuesday when I was leaving on Friday, but God met all of our needs, in His time!

So, in 5 months time, God brought both of our boys home.  We are so blessed, and love having virtual quadruplets (two are 5 and two are 6).  Wes had a quick surgery to repair his hernia, and although his learning is slow for now – as he is still learning English, I do not think he is truly delayed.

Waid has Peter’s Anomaly, a very rare eye condition, involving cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal detachment, as well as having Nystagmus.  He is legally blind, and will have Glaucoma surgery soon.  His vision cannot be improved, but surgeries can prevent it from getting worse.  And incidentally, as only God can orchestrate, we live within an hour to the AL Institute for the Deaf and Blind, which is one of the best in the county.  After his surgery, they will evaluate him. If needed, AIDB will teach him to read Braille, and help get any adaptive equipment he will need.

Our adoption journey for these boys was not easy, but God’s will was accomplished.  Many others were touched by God’s work, and encouraged to step out on faith for adoption.

Nasko - Bulgaria

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After praying about it for several weeks, we decided to pursue the adoption. Several months into the process, we found out that Jason's company would be closing. It was a scary time, but God provided him with a new job and continued to provide for the adoption expenses. We are so thankful for your help during this time. 

Nasko has been home for 3 weeks, and is doing well. He is able to get around our house surprisingly well, and everyday he picks up new words. He is very attached to his new sisters, and spends hours each day playing with them. His favorite things in life are music and taking a ride in the car. 

Thank you so much for the grant you gave us to help pay for Nasko's adoption. Your gift was a huge blessing and an answer to prayer. This is our second adoption. Sandy and Maribel, now 13 and 11 years old, were brought home from Colombia in 2006. It was about one year ago that we decided to adopt again. Our local Bethany office sends out emails periodically with pictures of waiting children. One of these emails came last December, and had a picture of Nasko. It said that he was 6 years old, and had been waiting for a family since the day he was born. 


Ayano - Ethiopia

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We would like to thank you for helping us adopt our son Ayano. We could not have done this without your help and support. 
It was laid on our hearts to adopt Ayano in November of 2009 while my wife was praying for orphaned children on the
internet, She said, "After praying for many children that day, she kept feeling the urge to go back to one little boy and pray for him."  

We had just finalized the adoption of 2 of our other children the previous month, so we weren't  financially prepared to adopt again. Over the next couple of months, it became evident that Ayano was to be our son.  Another family that inquired about him even told the agency that after much prayer they felt the family that inquired about him last was to be his family. They even made a donation to Ayano's adoption to stand behind their word.

At this point we still
didn't know where the rest of the money was going to come from, but we knew God had a plan. Thanks to your ministry, we were able to acquire the rest of the money and we were able to go get our new son, Ayano the following July of 2010! Ayano is a wonderful young man of God. He is 12 years old and doing great with his schooling, adapting to America and is a fantastic older brother to his 4 younger siblings. He loves pizza and chicken and pizza! Did I mention he loves pizza? Thank you again for your generosity and ministry in helping regular families like ours with the expense of adoption. You are truly making a difference in the Kingdom of God. 

Erin - China

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ln 2009, my husband and I saw a picture of a beautiful girl that was 12 years old, waiting in China to be adopted. We weren't discussing adopting again, although I truly felt I had more children waiting to come home. A few days after seeing her picture, my husband said what I have been thinking, "she is our daughter". At that time, we were not financially anywhere close to being able to adopt again as we were still paying the fees from the adoption of our 3 daughters that were already home. We did a lot of praying and discussion along with talking to others who reassured us to take the "leap of faith" and trust God that it will all work out. We started with fundraising, had garage sales, sold shirts, had scrapbooking events, a holiday boutique, giving up season tickets for hockey, working extra hours and having a donation button on my blog.


Spring/Summer 2010, we were still very far from our required amount needed to bring our daughter home. We contacted many grant organizations asking for help. We poured our heart into the letters to show why we felt we were worthy enough to be given a grant. The day we got the news of being a recipient of your grant was a blessing and continued to give us faith that it will all work out. We were grateful for being chosen. Two weeks before we were due to leave, a friend's sister received a small inheritance. She contacted us, explaining she had heard how much we wanted our 3 younger daughters to go along. She offered to pay for their plane tickets with the condition that we pay her back. We agreed as we felt it was important for them to be with.


On September 5, 2010, this beautiful girl, Erin, became our daughter. We are now approaching 3 years, at times it amazes me how fast the time has gone and other times, it seems like it has been forever since she came home.  God knew when he made Erin our daughter, that we would be the right parents to help her overcome many challenges that she exhibits, especially the first 18 months home.  She has overcome those challenges among others and is now a very caring, kind, loving respectable girl that loves God, is eager to learn and try new things, accepts challenges and obstacles and tries not letting her deafness portray her. She  has learned she is very worthy, smart and creative; has a beautiful laugh and smile with a great personality and is always willing to help. During these last 3 years, I have relied heavily on my village of people that includes, God, family, friends and at times stranger to help me raise all my children especially Erin. Life would have been so much more challenging without my village. Erin is truly an amazing resilient human being that I am proud and honored to say is my daughter.

I just had a fundraiser garage sale last week in honor to pay it forward. The profit I made from the garage sale is being donated to you, 2 adoption agencies (one that had Erin's file and the other  a local adoption agency), and 2 other private organizations that gave us grants. I hope this donation will help another family bring home their child/children. I also donated some money to a family that is leaving at the beginning of August for China to bring home their son and daughter. Thank you for everything you did for us to bring our daughter Erin home and for everything you do for other families that need financial assistance to bring their children home.

Zeke - China

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I wanted to send you an updated picture of our family. Our new family,  that you helped build. Yong,  now known as Zeke is doing amazing. Sadly, I do not feel his life before our family was a very good one, but that is in the past and we are moving forward, loving him and seeing new pieces of his personality every day. He went outside the other day when we were having a very cold spell. He breathed and smoke came out of his mouth. He then got excited and said "oh!!!", making more smoke and causing more excitement. This back and forth "oh!", then smoke coming out of his mouth, caused my husband and other children to laugh so hard. lt is a memory I will never forget. A memory you would not experience with a child that came home younger or born to you as they would have experienced this since birth.

Zeke, we believe was never out of the orphanage until the day he came to me. This little boy is a joy and a ball of  of energy. His gu-gus (older brothers) just LOVE HIM TO PIECES. His sister who is a little younger is learning to share with him and play together with him. We are so grateful, for the grant you gave our family to help Zeke come home. We honestly were in a bind and did not know what we were going to do. The burden you lifted was like something I have never experienced. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU.

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